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All natural, pasture-raised meat & eggs from Harpswell, Maine

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Why Pasture-Raised?

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All of our attention here is on the pastures. Pasture is the setting for raising animals naturally in the great outdoors. We measure the health of our pastures by how much grass they produce, how quickly the grass returns after harvest, how many worms we see in the soil, and how quickly the soil digests the nutrient mix left behind as the animals go about their business.

Our time and energy is spent moving animals. Moving animals is the best way to not only care for the animals, but also for the soil that grows their food. By bringing the cows, sheep, chickens, and turkeys to fresh pasture every day or two, we are able to provide them a constant diet of nutritious diversity. The soil is stimulated, refreshed, and fertilized by the movement, eating, and digestion of the animals. Everybody wins.

When you grow animals in a natural environment, they are healthier - it’s that simple. If the animals are healthy, the food they produce is a higher quality, better-tasting, and better-for-you product.

 Our Products

Place an order by completing our online order form or simply click the “Shop Now” button below

2025 Order Form

Pork, Lamb, and Chickens all available for 2025!!

Beautiful sheepskin pelts also available seasonally.

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There are two ways to shop at Two Coves Farm

You may shop all products and add items directly to your cart and check out right online using a card.

Alternatively, you can fill out the online order form and send it to us, we will follow up for payment of deposit.

We’ll send you cut sheets for your orders (if applicable) when it gets closer to butchering time.

When will my order be ready?

We expect chickens to be ready early fall, pork will be processed in November, lamb in December.

 The Farmstand

Winter Hours

Thursday - Saturday 10am - 5pm
