In The Moment

There is no way to plan the days around here sometimes. Today was one of those days that just took off leaving no prisoners. I was up at 5.30 making Coq Au Vin with some young roosters we dispatched right around Thanksgiving... chores and some bacon and eggs later the kids were off to do some charoling with their homeschool group at a local nursing home. The rain and sleet were oppressive as I tidied up some of the sloppiness outside with this wetness. It was a crazy blend of go go go all morning. 

On the tail end of that morning one of our best customers came by to give us her order for 2013... we ended up chatting about all sorts of things. At 2pm I was off to deliver some of last year's order to another customer who had yet to get her beef. We too had a great chat about all manner of things... she also oohhed and ahhhed at the color of the beef she was getting. I love that! Not to mention her informing me that she will be repeating her order again next year!

Awaiting the return of light

So then I get back home, dive into the cold, wet chore routine... and come back to the house to find more customers who have gifts and cards to give us as they pick up eggs, liver, etc. Just a very great day of interactions with these wonderful people who support us and inquire as to our health and happiness. I feel like I have been working towards this my whole life... extremely rewarding. The season are blending together, the line between customer and friend is becomming wonderfully blurry as well! Love it... abundance and satisfaction. 

Two Coves Farm